First, an update on our financial situation. Tanya and I opened our mail Thursday to find that since Sam turned 18, I was no longer required to provide child support for him. Furthermore, we found a sizable refund check for the support I had paid since then. All we could do was sit there open-mouthed, looking at each other and saying "Thank you Lord!" God has proven Himself MORE than faithful in His blessing our finances. This the latest development we have had, on top of me actually not ONLY getting a full 40 hrs each week, but also pulling overtime at this early point in the year (something virtually unheard of even in the best of years). God is definitely opening the doors for us to flourish financially. Tanya and I have even enrolled in a financial conference written by Dave Ramsey so we can be the best stewards we can. Now I just can't wait 'til The Young moves to Sundays so I can flourish in my relations with the kids.
Secondly, I want to share a message that's on my heart at this time. Every year around Good Friday, I find myself thinking about Jesus when He was in the garden. A few years ago, I was meditating about this, when God impressed on my heart this question: why DID Jesus end up so stressed and broken that He sweat drops of blood?
Personally, I don't think it was out of fear. For one thing, the bible tells us that 1) God is love, and 2) perfect love casts out all fear. Secondly, just the fact He kept His mouth silent through the trial and flogging showed He wasn't really afraid of it.
So why was Jesus under so much emotional stress? For the same reason He did everything else...
Jesus knew, as was pointed out in Hebrews 9 & 10, that His sacrifice would once and for all pay the price for those who chose to follow Him. But Jesus, as He did with the disciples, took things one step further. He also knew that His death would also doom for all time those who did & would reject Him. This is why, sobbing, He cried out, "Father, if there be any other way, let this cup pass from me." Basically, He was in effect saying, "Dad, I can't bear this! I don't want to lose ANY of them, if there's any way at all!" But He also knew that if He DIDN'T go through with it, then NONE could be saved, hence His prayer, "Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done."
No wonder God had to send the angel to minister to Him, with Him hurting at the possibility of losing even one soul.
So if you ever find yourself wondering if God REALLY loves you, just think of Jesus in the garden. Even if yours was the ONLY soul He could save, He would do it all over again. And let us pray each Good Friday that God give us Jesus' heart for others. And if you might be one of those whom His tears were for, it's not too late to turn those tears to the tears of joy the father of the prodigal son had when he saw his son walking up the road. God's richest blessings for all and a wonderful Easter to all. Until my next post...