Monday, September 26, 2011

New Beginnings

Hello I know its been a while since I posted but I think I want to make this a regular thing. although you will probably hear more from me (Tanya) than Dane since I am more into writing than he is. So why am I choosing to blog again? well the first is I have been on Weight Watchers for about 40 weeks  in that time I have lost 40.4# YAY ME. Yes this is not The Biggest Loser although I very much DO like that show this is more THe Amazing Adventures of the Tortoise. ie slow and steady wins the race. I know its not glamorous but I have noticed quite a change: I walk more... before i averaged around 4000 steps a day now I walk around 6000 and goal about 8000. I am more intentional, about my food about my walking about how I behave.the other reason is DR OZ just announced about the million dollar makeover... so I want to try and see just how I can lose weight  what are my weeks like... I'll also try to ost at least once a day.

