Saturday, July 3, 2010

HERITAGE: A Poem for Independance Day


Tonight in a desert land far far from home
A young soldier stands,
Staring at a photograph yellowed with age
That lays within his hands.

If one would peer at the photograph
This is what they would see:
Another young man in the uniform
Of this land of the Brave and Free.

The photograph shows a young lad
And though its shaded black and white,
It doesn't hide the mirth in his eyes,
Nor does the age hide their light.

He stands besides a plane,
A shiny, perfect B-52.
One that would often take this young man
Off into the skies of blue.

“Gramps,” says the young soldier
as he grips the photo tight,
“I hope that I make you proud
As I fight for freedom's light.”

“I think its harder nowadays
To be brave and true.
The times have certainly changed
As the times often do”

“I wonder of the ones back home,
If their thinking of me tonight?
I hope my mom ain't worried.
I hope she knows I'm alright.”

“I'm dreaming of a time
when I bounce upon my knee,
A child of my own,
Like you used to do with me”

“I'll teach them about America.
How 'tho not perfect, She is Free.
I'll teach them that with that freedom
also comes responsibility.”

“I'll teach them that each one of us
has a job that we can do,
to preserve the Legacy of our nation
Just like me and you.,”

With that the young soldier
Takes a final, thankful glance,
At his grandfather's faithful gaze,
and his proud heroic stance.

And a new day dawns,
and the soldier goes on,
doing the job that he must do,
fighting for the legacy
of Liberty for me and you.

~ This poem is dedicated to the men and women of the Armed Forces who are even at this very moment giving their lives for the life and liberty we hold dear. Thank you.

©Tanya R Ballard 7/3/2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Life Update and Easter Thoughts

I've been thinking I haven't posted anything here in a while, so it was about time. Actually, I have a couple items to share.

First, an update on our financial situation. Tanya and I opened our mail Thursday to find that since Sam turned 18, I was no longer required to provide child support for him. Furthermore, we found a sizable refund check for the support I had paid since then. All we could do was sit there open-mouthed, looking at each other and saying "Thank you Lord!" God has proven Himself MORE than faithful in His blessing our finances. This the latest development we have had, on top of me actually not ONLY getting a full 40 hrs each week, but also pulling overtime at this early point in the year (something virtually unheard of even in the best of years). God is definitely opening the doors for us to flourish financially. Tanya and I have even enrolled in a financial conference written by Dave Ramsey so we can be the best stewards we can. Now I just can't wait 'til The Young moves to Sundays so I can flourish in my relations with the kids.

Secondly, I want to share a message that's on my heart at this time. Every year around Good Friday, I find myself thinking about Jesus when He was in the garden. A few years ago, I was meditating about this, when God impressed on my heart this question: why DID Jesus end up so stressed and broken that He sweat drops of blood?
Personally, I don't think it was out of fear. For one thing, the bible tells us that 1) God is love, and 2) perfect love casts out all fear. Secondly, just the fact He kept His mouth silent through the trial and flogging showed He wasn't really afraid of it.
So why was Jesus under so much emotional stress? For the same reason He did everything else...


Jesus knew, as was pointed out in Hebrews 9 & 10, that His sacrifice would once and for all pay the price for those who chose to follow Him. But Jesus, as He did with the disciples, took things one step further. He also knew that His death would also doom for all time those who did & would reject Him. This is why, sobbing, He cried out, "Father, if there be any other way, let this cup pass from me." Basically, He was in effect saying, "Dad, I can't bear this! I don't want to lose ANY of them, if there's any way at all!" But He also knew that if He DIDN'T go through with it, then NONE could be saved, hence His prayer, "Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done."
No wonder God had to send the angel to minister to Him, with Him hurting at the possibility of losing even one soul.

So if you ever find yourself wondering if God REALLY loves you, just think of Jesus in the garden. Even if yours was the ONLY soul He could save, He would do it all over again. And let us pray each Good Friday that God give us Jesus' heart for others. And if you might be one of those whom His tears were for, it's not too late to turn those tears to the tears of joy the father of the prodigal son had when he saw his son walking up the road. God's richest blessings for all and a wonderful Easter to all. Until my next post...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Living in Good Friday

Imagine it for the past 3 years you have been giving everything to follow this guy who you believed was the very Son of God. You changed careers, have seen healings and miracles beyond belief, but here you are on a hill looking at his bleeding and battered body... wondering why. Why didn't he stop it. You believe He could have if he had wanted to... You had seen Him do SO Much more.  Or Maybe you could not even bared to see it. Maybe you went back to your original house and hid under blankets.. trying to block out the hurt, the red hot pain that now plagued your very soul. 
      Maybe this scenario is not too hard to imagine. Maybe today you find yourself in a similar situation. You once knew the deep and overwhelming companionship with Jesus.  He's healed part of your heart that you know no one but the Great Physician could. But Something happened, You were betrayed by someone you trusted, You were hurt, or maybe you prayed for something so hard only to find the answer was "No." Whatever the catalyst you now find yourself hurting SO BAD. The Pain like blisters on your very soul. You might even question God's love for you thinking "He's done so much before why couldn't he do this. Maybe He doesn't love me" And you cry yourself to sleep... wishing the tears could quench the fire that causes so much pain. 
    Oh Beloved. Their story doesn't end here, and thankfully neither does yours have to. On Sunday in the wee hours of the morning THE GREATEST MIRACLE was to come. Jesus, Himself would rise from the dead. And in that act he would open up the gates of eternal life for us all.  Eternal Abundant life that would start not only when we die but now when we live! Maybe your heart is hurting with shame that you walked away and how could he love you now? Or maybe your lost and can't find your way back. No worries, He knows where you are. With a simple cry He will be right next to you again.  
So this year my prayer for you is not that you stay in Good Friday but your life is transformed by Resurrection Sunday.

Love, Tanya

Friday, February 26, 2010

Couponing 101


So on my facebook a long time friend asked me how to start couponing so I thought i'd pen this quick article for beginners
The first thing is to get  coupons
                The first thing when saving money with coupons is to GET the coupons. My First and favorite source the Sunday Newspaper. There are 2 companies that provide coupons SMART SOURCE and RED PLUM . Also P&G also does a supplemental circular every other month.
You can also find coupons online to print.
OR you can load ECOUPONS directly on your store saver card from
Step 2 to save is organization.
Use what method works for you , some people have binders with trading card pockets so they can see what they have
I use a box that my dear hubby made for me with envelopes with different categories set up like Meat, Dairy, Frozen, baked goods, cereal, canned goods, etc  Every month I clip the coupons and file them away by expiration date.
Step 3 is USAGE
I try to pair the coupons with the SALES this is where you score big! And don’t be afraid of stocking up.. If you don’t need it today but you will need it in a few buy 2 or 3 then you can save yourself some serious money.
So how do you know when an item is on sale?
Do what is known as a price book. Grab a notebook and in it write down the prices of different items that way you will know what is the rock bottom price of the item in question. It’s a good idea to do this for about 12 weeks.
Ok there you have it the basics.
But if you have more questions contact me or check out  her book has been instrumental in helping with my own food bill  my friend Diane also recommends Shop, Save, and Share by Ellie Kay  havent read it yet but it looks good too ^_^ 
<3, Tanya

Friday, February 19, 2010

$aving $$ Spending less

Hello People! So today I am going to share my resource list for finding coupons and bargains.


       In the Everett Area you have 2 main choices. but The EVERETT Herald has more coupons they get Redplum ones. Currently i am getting service from the seattle times because i got a 25$ gift card from Fred Meyer. I am often asked is it worth it to buy the paper.. well I'll tell you chances are you will find at least enough coupons that will offset the cost of the paper ^_^ and don't forget they also have extras of the Albertsons "Double Coupons"

      This Magazine which you can find at Walmart or subscribe @ has TONS of coupons!!! it cost about 3.25 at the stand but it is FILLED with high value coupons and pretty interesting articles.

Both of these are free sites which you can print off coupons that way you can "clip" only the ones you will use. *TIP* they run out of coupons every so often so my advice is to print them off at the first of the month when the new batches come out
       Heather @ Freebies4mom has been featured on the Tyra show for her awesome site. They have the most extensive list of birthday freebies I have ever seen! 

Ok so thats my list for now if I update it I'll let you know... or maybe you have more ideas or questions please feel free to comment ^_^
<3, Tanya

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Birthday Presence

So 2 Fridays ago I had my 30th birthday. My sister had a nice bbq for me at her house and my best friend paid over $300 to bring her family here, My Parent's in Law bought me a beautiful garnet jewelry set and my hubby bought me tea and made me a coupon box. I'm not writing this just to say about all the things i got but as important as these things are to me they aren't as important about the lessons I learned: The lessons of perception and provision. See, I have a confession to make I am very self centered by nature. my thoughts are often about how I am perceived by other people. There are times this fear over takes me so much that I often forget just how my Father in Heaven perceives me. See God LOVES me. He delights in me.. Thats weird to think of isn't it... something, somebody, that so many people have thrown away is treasured by the Creator of the Universe. More than that, this God didn't just create me to just live as he stands idly by and does nothing about my present circumstances He is taking care of me and my family and promised to do so ^_^

<3, Tanya

Sunday, January 31, 2010

An Invitation to FLOURISH!

I just got home from church a little while ago, and spent some time talking with Tanya about our situation. After we'd had our talk Friday about doing more than simply surviving, I found myself praying, "God I have the feeling you have more in store for us than what we're going through right here, so... God, I want it ALL. I want all you have in store for me." The funny thing was, I wasn't even sure what that all entailed, but I believe I caught a glimpse of it today.

For those who know us but don't go to our church, the church family suffered a great loss of one of it's members Friday. I'd only gotten to know this man who was such a blessing since the men's retreat last October, and had hoped to get to know him better. During this morning's service his family and friends were there in attendance despite their loss, leaning on God, and trusting in His comfort and strength during their difficult time.

Couple this with the message our pastor had: how God is longing to pour out His Spirit on us to the point we cannot contain it all and literally end up overflowing with it. As an example, he had a pitcher of water and a glass. He started by filling the glass to the brim. The pitcher was still quite full, and the pastor said God has so much more to offer us, and started pouring water from the pitcher into the glass, which of course overflowed and was actually engulfed by the water, inside AND out. The pastor also pointed out that Jesus actually told the disciples, "Stop!!! Wait!!! Wait for this, it's coming and you need it; you won't be able to do ANYthing without it." And he pointed out that Jesus said this AFTER He told them "GO....", and all of a sudden it hit me....

This was what God was offering ME. Was offering me, Tanya, and everyone else.... a chance to FLOURISH in the power of the Holy Spirit, and in the life that Jesus Christ has given us through the redemption of His blood. Power that give us peace in times of need, illness, loss, etc. and knowledge that God IS a God of provision, health, comfort, and joy. And this was what I was hungering for.

So to those who already know God, I offer this challenge: Press forward. Don't settle for surviving or just getting by. Pray and seek God earnestly for all He has in store for you, for that chance and guidance to FLOURISH in all He has for you. And if you don't know God, I offer the invitation and ask the privilege of introducing Him to you so that you too can know the fullness of
His love....
aka Trainiac

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?

So just a bit of a background about me and my hubby and why we decided to write this blog. I have to admit it was mainly my idea. You see, I LOVE blogs. they are like magazines that are free and you can get freebies. (which I fully intend to post about when I have a chance) And as many blogs that are on my must read list there didn't seem to be that many that wrote as a couple like we are planning to. 
   The other reason why we are writing is whats going on in our life right now, let me just say we were just told that we would have an extra  15% of our income in an unexpected bill at a time when money was tight anyways and on top of that we just had our car break and cost an additional $1400 in repairs. It wasnt like we were hurting before but we were getting by... now getting by is going to be Very Tight. Last night I sat wondering "Simply Surviving is not ENOUGH. Jesus promised life yes, but an ABUNDANT Life!" So for the next year we invite you to come along to see just how God pulls it off ^_^ 

Your Friend,
aka Dariachick